上海交通大学与耶鲁大学全球公共卫生政策研究方向双边论坛成功举办,人民网、中国日报、CHINA DAILY等多家主流媒体竞相报道

The Bilateral Forum on Global Public Health Policy Research Directions between Yale and SJTU, as Widely Reported across the Mainstream Media Including PEOPLE’S DAILY and CHINA DAILY, was Successfully Held Online


On May 24, the SJTU- Yale Bilateral Forum on Global Public Health Policy Research Directions was successfully held at Xuhui campus, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Guests from the National Health Commission and Yale University participated the forum through the internet.


The forum is hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Yale University, and organized by SJTU-Yale Joint Center for Health Policy, Yale School of Public Health, SJTU Institute of Health Yangtze River Delta and SJTU School of International and Public Affairs.

国家卫健委法规司副司长陈宁姗,耶鲁大学副校长Pericles Lewis,上海市卫健委副主任赵丹丹,上海交通大学副校长徐学敏,上海交通大学附属第六人民医院院长殷善开,耶鲁大学公共卫生学院院长StenVermund,耶鲁大学公共卫生学院前任院长Paul Cleary, 耶鲁大学生物统计系主任赵宏宇,上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院代理院长胡近,上海交通大学附属儿童医院院长于广军,上海交通大学附属胸科医院党委书记郑宁,上海交通大学国际与合作交流处处长罗鹏,上海市卫生和健康发展研究中心主任金春林,上海市徐汇区卫健委主任任雪雷,上海交通大学公共卫生学院院长王慧,上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院党委书记姜文宁,上海交通大学国际与合作交流处副处长陈科,上海交通大学生物医学工程学院副院长古宏晨, 上海交通大学公共卫生学院教授张智若,上海交通大学健康长三角研究院执行院长张录法,耶鲁大学公共卫生学院副教授陈希,耶鲁大学公共卫生学院研究员钱汉竹,上海交通大学-耶鲁大学卫生政策联合研究中心执行主任赵大海等参加了本次论坛,并共同见证了上海交通大学-耶鲁大学卫生政策联合研究中心理事会的成立。

CHEN Ningshan,Deputy Director of the Department of Law and Policy, the National Health Commission; Pericles Lewis, Yale Vice President for Global Affairs; ZHAO Dandan, Vice Director, Shanghai Municipal Health Commission; XU Xuemin, SJTU Vice President for International Affairs; YIN Shankai, President and CEO, the Sixth Hospital Affiliated with SJTU; Sten Vermund, Dean of Yale School of Public Health; Paul D. Cleary, the Anna M.R. Lauder Professor, Yale School of Public Health; ZHAO Hongyu, Chair of Yale Department of Biostatistics; HU Jin, Acting Dean, SJTU School of International and Public Affairs; YU Guangjun, President and CEO, Children’s Hospital affiliated with SJTU; ZHENG Ning, President, the Chest Hospital affiliated with SJTU; LUO Peng, Director of SJTU International Affairs Division; REN Xuelei, Director, Xuhui Government Commission of Health WANG Hui, Dean, SJTU School of Public Health ; JIANG Wenning, Director of Council Committee, SJTU School of International and Public Affairs; CHEN Ke, Associate Director of SJTU International Affairs Division; GU Hongchen, Vice Dean, SJTU School of Biomedical Engineering; ZHANG Lufa, Executive Dean, SJTU Institute of Health Yangtze River Delta; ZHANG Zhiruo, Professor, SJTU School of Public Health; QIAN Hanzhu, fellow, Yale School of Public Health and CHEN Xi, Assistant Professor, Yale School of Public Health participated the meeting and witnessed the establishment of the Council of SJTU-Yale Joint Center for Health Policy.

论坛开幕式由姜文宁主持。上海交通大学副校长徐学敏、耶鲁大学副校长Pericles Lewis分别致欢迎辞。徐学敏指出,面对新冠肺炎疫情的全球公共卫生危机,两校全球公共卫生研究方向双边论坛的召开具有重要意义,本论坛的顺利举办也得益于两所学校长期和深厚的合作基础。上海交通大学-耶鲁大学卫生政策联合研究中心在新冠肺炎疫情暴发期间,三十余次在央视英语频道、上海电视台等主要媒体对全球新冠肺炎疫情的传播、防控、预测等各方面做了专业评论。上海交通大学-耶鲁大学生物统计学联合研究中心和免疫学联合研究院也都取得了良好成绩。她号召两所大学公共卫生政策领域的学者能够齐心协力、加强交流,携手共建全球公共卫生管理体系。随后,Pericles Lewis代表耶鲁大学致辞,他向中国抗击疫情取得阶段性胜利表示祝贺,并简要回顾了耶鲁大学与上海交通大学悠久而富有成效的科研合作历程,为未来中、美两国的公共卫生政策研究提出了方向性建议,并预祝本次双边论坛能够取得圆满成功。

As the moderator, JIANG Wenning gave a short opening remark, followed by welcome speeches from XU Xuemin and Pericles Lewis. Xu pointed out that facing the global public health crisis caused by Covid-19, this bilateral forum on public health research directions is of great significance. The successful holding of this forum also benefits from the long-term cooperation between the two universities. The SJTU-Yale Joint Center for Health Policy has made comments on the transmission, prevention and control of the pandemic at CGTN or Shanghai TV stations for over 30 times in the passing months. SJTU-Yale Joint Center for Biostatistics and SJTU-Yale Joint Institute for Immunology have also achieved fruitful outcomes. She called on scholars in the field of public health policy in the two universities to work together and strengthen exchanges to contribute to building a global public health management system. Pericles Lewis firstly congratulates China on its periodical achievement in fighting the epidemic, and briefly reviews the long-term and fruitful cooperation between Yale University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He also put forward direction suggestions for public health policy research of China and the United States in the future, and wishes this bilateral forum a complete success.

美国国家医学科学院院士,上海交通大学-耶鲁大学卫生政策联合研究中心主任Paul Cleary 做了上海交通大学-耶鲁大学卫生政策联合研究中心发展汇报。

Paul D. Cleary, on behalf of the joint center, gave a development report on the forum.


LUO Peng announced the Council Committee of SJTU-Yale Joint Center for Health Policy. XU Xuemin was appointed as the director and ZHAO Dandan as the research fellow.


Following the opening ceremony was a panel discussion titled“World Public Health System in the Future” moderated by ZHAO Hongyu. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, the discussion focused on how best to learn from each other and coordinate policy analyses and initiatives related to public health emergencies in the US and China; to explore the development of a public health management system that can be adapted for use in other countries. The goal of the panel discussion is to explore and identify research directions and specific bilateral cooperation projects.

StenVermund首先分享了美国抗击疫情的经验。赵丹丹向与会嘉宾分享了中国抗“疫”的六点经验,包括强大的社会组织和社会动员能力、社会民众的高度自律、各级政府科学研判精准措施以及全体医护人员的专业付出与奉献精神。为防范未来重大突发公共卫生事件的发生,Paul Cleary表示,世界各国之间需要增加关于疫情方面的信息交流,共同应对全球蔓延的新冠疫情。殷善开强调了医院需要重视平战结合的医疗物资储备和应急机制。王慧提出,信息技术以及大数据在控制疫情方面的作用应当得到重视并得到更好的应用。陈希提出,希望中、美两国未来能够在公共卫生人才培养和培训方面加强深度合作。StenVermund、于广军、郑宁、任雪雷、古宏晨、张智若、钱汉竹等聚焦“如何形成全球突发公共卫生事件的共同监测体系”,分享了各自的见解,并进行了深入的研讨。胡近从未来突发公共卫生事件应急治理体系的人才队伍建设方面提出了建议。随后,赵大海代表研究中心发布了预期开展的全球公共卫生政策的研究方向选题,陈宁姗、金春林、张录法等分别对这些研究方向进行了评论。陈宁姗认为,重大突发公共卫生事件需要每个国家、每个社区和每个人共同行动,因此重点关注关于全球公共卫生治理和国际合作机制的研究非常有必要。论坛的最后,Paul Cleary为双边论坛做了精彩总结。本次双边论坛遴选出了多项全球公共卫生政策研究方向的选题,上海交通大学和耶鲁大学的校领导、相关学院领导和与会专家等达成了支持全球公共卫生政策研究的共识,会议取得了圆满成功。


Sten Vermund firstly shares the US’s experience in fighting the epidemic, and ZHAO Dandan shared the experience of China, including strong social organization and social mobilization ability, self- discipline of the public and compliance with the requirements of epidemic prevention, a relatively complete public health service system established after SARS, a sense of collectivism supported by all sides, scientific research and judgment, practical and realistic counter measures from the government and the noble quality of boundless love and benevolence of medical staff. In order to prevent major public health emergencies in the future, Paul Cleary said that countries around the world need to increase information exchanges on the epidemic and jointly deal with the new global epidemic. YIN Shankai stressed that hospitals need to pay attention to the medical material reserve for both peace time and wartime use and emergency mechanism. Wang Hui pointed out that the role of information technology and big data in epidemic control should be valued and better applied. CHEN Xi hoped China and the United States could strengthen in-depth cooperation in public health personnel training in the future. Sten Vermund, YU Gugangjun, ZHENG Ning, REN Xuelei, GU Hongchen, ZHANG Zhiruo and QIAN Hanzhu shared their opinions and discussed on the question of “What should we expect from our public health systems in the future?”, and “Can a common monitoring and/or governance system for global public health emergencies be formed?”Hu Jin put forward suggestions on the construction of talent team in the future public health emergency management system. At the last part of the discussion, ZHAO Dahai shared the research directions of SJTU-Yale Joint Center for Health Policy. CHEN Ningshan, JIN Chunlin, ZHANG Lufa and other participants made their comments on those directions. CHEN Ningshan believed that major public health emergencies need every country, every community and everyone to act together, so it is necessary to focus on the study of global public health governance and international cooperation mechanism. Paul Cleary delivered the closing remarks for the forum. The bilateral forum released a number of global public health policy research directions. All the leaders and experts attending the forum reached a consensus to support global public health policy research, and the bilateral forum was successfully completed.

This bilateral forum was carried out through the combination of online and offline meetings. Overcoming the impact of the epidemic, and bringing together experts from China and the United States via the internet, the forum creates a platform for timely communication in the field of public health policy between China and the United States, and provides a good reference for international academic exchange activities as well as a vivid practice of jointly building a community of shared future for human health.



Contributor: SIPA, SJTU

Date: May 25, 2020

Copyright © 2020上海交大—耶鲁大学卫生政策联合研究中心/SJTU-Yale Joint Center for Health Policy