

主持人:从您的角度来看,为什么人乳头瘤病毒( HPV)疫苗在中国非常短缺呢?






Dahai ZHAO’s 61th comments on TV during the pandemic: China has made major breakthroughs in vaccine, but there is still a long way to go 

Dahai Zhao, a doctoral supervisor at the School of International and Public Affairs of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Executive Director of Shanghai Jiao Tong University-Yale University Joint Research Center for Health Policy, has been interviewed by CGTN for the 38nd time (the 61nd time by CGTN / ShanghaiTV) since the COVID-19 pandemic. On November 2, 2020, Zhao commented on the shortage of HPV vaccine and overall market of vaccine in China on “China 24” of CGTN. 

Anchor:From your perspective, why is there such a shortage of the HPV vaccines in China?

ZHAO: I think there are at least three reasons. Frist, with the promotion of national health awareness, as well as the popularization of medical knowledge among Chinese women, the demand for HPV has been dramatically improved for recent years. Second, in the whole world, there are only three companies that can produce HPV vaccines. Specifically, the two companies in China and the UK can only produce HPV 2-valent vaccine, while for the HPV 4 and 9-valent vaccines, they can be only produced by the American company. Third, the current HPV supply cannot meet the improving demand for HPV vaccines. Considering the HPV vaccine production process is relatively complex, it is not easy for the production company to enhance the supply by the improving demand. In addition, there is such a shortage of the HPV 9-valent vaccines in China; for the less valent vaccines, especially for HPV 2-valent vaccines, it is relatively abundant, partly because China can produce it.

Anchor: How do you feel about China's research and development of vaccines as a whole?

ZHAO: First, China's research and development of vaccines has achieved great progresses for the past couple of years. For example, China is the third country in the world that has the capacity to produce HPV vaccines, and the second country that can produce PCV13. In addition, for the third clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines, China has four candidates among the 10 candidates in the world. Second, there is still a big gap between China and developed countries at the research and development of vaccines as a whole. Actually, the major vaccines are monopolized  by the top four pharmacy companies in the US, UK, and France. Up to now, there are no vaccine production companies from China can compete with the top vaccine companies in developed countries. For example, although China can produce HPV 2-valent vaccines, China’s company has no capacity to produce 4 or 9 valent vaccines which can prevent diseases caused by more types.

Contributor: SIPA, SJTU

Data: November 3, 2020

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