


赵大海: 首先,中国和其他大多数国家研制的新冠疫苗的效力都比较高。大多数新冠疫苗的有效性都在85%以上。85%的数字代表了一个非常高的水平。新冠疫苗的效力得到了较好的保证,我认为这是中国和大多数其他国家目前新冠疫苗的主要相似之处。其次,储存温度是目前这些疫苗最大的区别。据我所知,中国的新冠疫苗可以在正常的冷藏温度下运输和储存。然而,美国目前的新冠疫苗必须在诸如零下70摄氏度这样的极低温度下运输和储存。因此,我认为中国研发的新冠疫苗的最主要优势就在于:既保证了较高的有效性,储存温度也属于正常的冷藏温度。





Dahai ZHAO’s Exclusive Interview with CGTN: China's COVID-19 Vaccine has Important Advantages

Dahai Zhao, a doctoral supervisor at the School of International and Public Affairs of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Executive Director of Shanghai Jiao Tong University-Yale University Joint Research Center for Health Policy, has been interviewed by CGTN for the 43nd time (the 68nd time by CGTN / ShanghaiTV) since the COVID-19 pandemic. On December 16, 2020, Zhao commented on the comparison between COVID-19 vaccines developed in China and those developed in other countries, and the impact of China's participation in COVAX on global fair distribution of COVID-19 vaccines on “Today Asia” of CGTN.

Anchor: How can we compare the Chinese vaccines with the ones developed in other countries? 

ZHAO: First, the efficacy of vaccines developed in China and most other countries is relatively very high. The efficacy of most vaccines are more than 85%. The number of 85% stands for a very high level. In addition, the efficacy has been guaranteed. I think it is the similarity of the current vaccines between Chinese and most other countries. Second, the storage temperature is the biggest differences between these current vaccines. As far as I know, the Chinese vaccines of COVID-19 can be transported and stored at normal cold storage temperatures. However, the current vaccines of COVID-19 in the US have to be transported and stored at a very low level temperature such as minus 70 degree centigrade. I believe the most important advantage of the Chinese vaccines of COVID-19 is that the storage temperature belongs to normal cold storage temperature, and the high efficacy. 

Anchor: China has joined a global vaccine initiated co-led by the WHO for vaccine distribution. How do you think China can help the fair distribution of vaccines?

ZHAO: China’s joining COVAX has absolutely pushed the fair distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines in the world. Considering most developed countries are in the very serious pandemic of COVID-19, all current vaccines produced by developed countries such as the US must be applied in developed countries themselves. It is impracticable for developing countries and all countries which have no ability to produce the vaccines to get the vaccines from the developed countries. China is the only hope for many countries, especially for developing countries to get the vaccine of COVID-19. Therefore, China’s joining COVAX is a sign that fair distribution on COVID-19 vaccines is possible. Without China’s joining COVAX, it is impossible to realize the fair distribution at a global level. Further, China will offer a set of suggestions on fair distribution of COVID-19 vaccines at the domestic level in the developing countries. For example, the high-risk population such as the elderly, people who have basic diseases should have the priority of COVID-19 vaccines.

Contributor: SIPA, SJTU

Data: December 16, 2020

Copyright © 2020上海交大—耶鲁大学卫生政策联合研究中心/SJTU-Yale Joint Center for Health Policy