耶鲁大学教授Paul Cleary学术讲座:美国医疗改革:从奥巴马到特朗普

Paul D. Cleary博士11月16日作了题为“美国医疗改革:从奥巴马到特朗普”的精彩学术讲座。上海交通大学-耶鲁大学卫生政策联合中心执行主任赵大海主持了讲座。Paul D. Cleary博士是耶鲁大学公共卫生学院Anna M.R. Lauder公共卫生教授。 Cleary博士自1994年以来担任美国国家医学科学院(以前是医学研究所)院士,并且自2007年以来担任美国康涅迭戈州科学与工程院院士。Cleary博士的研究重点在于医疗的质量。他是由美国卫生保健研究与质量局(AHRQ)资助的CAHPS(卫生保健提供者和系统的消费者评估)项目的首席研究员。



Lecture on Healthcare Reform in the United States: from Obama to Trump by Prof. Paul D. Cleary

Dr. Paul D. Cleary gave a lecture on “Healthcare Reform in the United States: from Obama to Trump” on November 16. Dr. Dahai ZHAO, the executive director of SJTU-Yale Joint Center for Health Policy, hosted the lecture. Dr. Paul D. Cleary is the Anna M.R. Lauder Professor at the Yale School of Public Health. He has been a member of the U.S. National Academy of Medicine (formerly Institute of Medicine) since 1994 and a member of the Connecticut Academy for Science and Engineering since 2007. His research focuses on the quality of healthcare. He is Principal Investigator of CAHPS (Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Provider and Systems), a project funded by the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

Contributor: SJTU School of International and Public Affairs

Date: November 16, 2018

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