耶鲁大学教授Robert Hecht作学术讲座:疾病控制规模扩大的财政投入:基于国家层面消除肝炎的案例研究

Robert Hecht博士于6月13日作了“疾病控制规模扩大的财政投入:基于国家层面消除肝炎的案例研究”学术讲座。上海交通大学-耶鲁大学卫生政策联合中心执行主任赵大海主持了讲座。Robert Hecht博士1976年获得美国耶鲁大学学士,于1981年获得英国剑桥大学博士。Hecht博士现为耶鲁大学公共卫生学院教授,兼任杰克逊全球事务研究院的研究员。同时,Robert Hecht博士是Pharos Global Health Advisors的总裁。他在全球健康、卫生政策、公共政策方面拥有30多年的教学和研究经验,曾在世界银行、联合国艾滋病规划署等担任过高级管理职位。此外,他的大量政策建议被多个国际机构和国家的最高领导者所采纳以及出版了大量的学术论著。



Lecture on Investment Cases for Disease Control Scale Up: the Example of National Hepatitis Elimination by Prof. Robert Hecht

Dr. Robert Hecht gave a lecture on “Investment Cases for Disease Control Scale Up: the Example of National Hepatitis Elimination” on June 13. Dr. Dahai ZHAO, the executive director of SJTU-Yale Joint Center for Health Policy, hosted the lecture. Dr. Robert Hecht has received his bachelor's degree from Yale University in the United States in 1976 and a PhD from the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom in 1981. He is a professor at Yale School of Public Health and a fellow at the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. In Addition, he was the President of Pharos Global Health Advisors. He had over 30 years of teaching and research experience in global health, health policy and public policy, and held senior management positions at the World Bank, UNAIDS. In addition, his policy proposals were adopted by many international agencies and top leaders. He published a lot of academic papers.

Contributor: SJTU School of International and Public Affairs

Date: June 14, 2019

Copyright © 2020上海交大—耶鲁大学卫生政策联合研究中心/SJTU-Yale Joint Center for Health Policy