
The Fourth Yale-SJTU Bilateral Forum on Global Public Health Policy Held in Shanghai


On November 7, 2021, the Fourth Yale-SJTU Bilateral Forum on Global Public Health Policy was successfully held in Shanghai. The forum was co-hosted by Yale University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and co-organized by Yale-SJTU Joint Center for Health Policy, Yale School of Public Health, and SJTU School of International and Public Affairs. 

本次会议采取线上线下相结合的方式。线上参会嘉宾有国家卫健委法规司一级巡视员、副司长陈宁姗,美国国家医学科学院院士、耶鲁大学公共卫生学院院长Sten Vermund,美国国家医学科学院士、耶鲁大学公共卫生学院终身讲席教授Paul Cleary,耶鲁大学公共卫生学院终身讲席教授赵宏宇、副教授陈希等。现场参会的嘉宾有上海市医疗保障局副局长曹俊山,上海交通大学副校长徐学敏,上海交通大学附属仁济医院党委书记郑军华,中国科学院院士、上海交通大学医学院教授董晨,上海健康医学院党委副书记、副校长唐红梅,上海市徐汇区卫健委主任任雪雷,上海交通大学附属儿童医院院长于广军,上海交通大学附属胸科医院党委书记郑宁,美国匹兹堡大学医学中心高级副总裁Jeffrey Bernstein,上海纽约大学全球公共卫生教授Brian Hall,上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院代理院长胡近,上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院党委书记章晓懿,上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院党委副书记李振全,上海交通大学公共卫生学院教授张智若,上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院教授吕守军,复旦大学公共卫生学院副教授孙梅,上海交通大学-耶鲁大学卫生政策联合研究中心执行主任赵大海等。

Attendees came to the forum or off-site via Zoom-meeting. CHEN Ningshan, Director of Department of Law and Regulation at National Health Commission (CN), Sten Vermund, Dean of Yale School of Public Health and Fellow of National Academy of Medical Sciences (US), Paul Cleary, Anna M.R. Lauder Professor at Yale School of Public Health and Fellow of National Academy of Medical Sciences (US), ZHAO Hongyu, Ira V. Hiscock Professor at Yale School of Public Health, CHEN Xi, Associate Professor at Yale School of Public Health jointed the forum via Zoom-meeting systems. CAO Junshan, Deputy Director of Shanghai Medical Security Bureau, Lisa Xu, Vice President of SJTU, ZHENG Junhua, President of Renji Hospital Affiliated with SJTU, DONG Chen, Fellow of National Academy of Medical Sciences (CN) and Professor at SJTU School of Medicine, TANG Hongmei, Vice President of Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences, REN Xuelei, Director of Huhui District Health Commission, LU Hongzhou, President of Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, YU Guangjun, President of Children Hospital Affiliated with SJTU, ZHENG Ning, President of Chest Hospital Affiliated with SJTU, Jeffrey Bernstein, Senior Vice President of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Brian Hall, Professor at School of Global Public Health of New York University Shanghai, HU Jin, Acting Dean of SJTU School of International and Public Affairs, ZHANG Xiaoyi, Director of SJTU School of International and Public Affairs Council Committee, LI Zhenquan, Deputy Director of SJTU School of International and Public Affairs Council Committee, ZHANG Zhiruo, Professor at SJTU School of Public Health, LV Shoujun, Professor at SJTU School of International and Public Affairs, SUN Mei, Associate Professor at Fudan School of Public Health, ZHAO Dahai, Executive Director of Yale-SJTU Joint Center for Health Policy joined the meeting in Shanghai.

会议开幕式由胡近主持。徐学敏、Sten Vermund、陈宁姗分别致欢迎辞,Paul Cleary做了联合研究中心2021年工作总结和2022年发展规划报告。徐学敏在致辞中向与会嘉宾表示了诚挚的欢迎和衷心的感谢,指出在新冠大流行对世界各国医疗服务提供和公共卫生系统产生了深远影响的背景下,上海交通大学和耶鲁大学在公共卫生政策领域已取得了重要联合创新成果,希望两校进一步加强国际合作和创新,探索公共卫生问题的解决方案。Sten Vermund指出,在疫情依然持续的形势下,上海交大-耶鲁大学卫生政策联合研究中心在新冠抗击过程之中通力合作,取得了重要成果并发挥了重要作用;未来中美两国可以对比在疫情之下公共政策方面的异同点,相互借鉴彼此在学科当中的最新进展,尽快控制新冠疫情。陈宁姗指出,中国为全球新冠疫情抗击贡献了中国方案,包括美国在内的世界各国唯有共同携手坚持科学抗疫,才能最终战胜新冠疫情。

HU Jin chaired the opening ceremony. Lisa XU, Sten Vermund, and CHEN Ningsha gave welcoming speeches respectively. Paul Cleary made 2020 work summary and 2021 development plan. Lisa XU expressed her sincere welcome and gratitude to the participants. She also said, that with the far-reaching impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare delivery and public health systems, Yale and SJTU made important joint innovations in the area of public health policy. She wished the two universities further strengthened international cooperation and innovation to explore ways and solutions to public health affairs. Sten Vermund noted that Yale-SJTU Joint Center for Health Policy played the important role in the COVID-19 response as the pandemic continued. He called for US and China to compare their similarities and differences in public health policies and learn from each other's latest progress in the healthcare disciplines in order to bring COVID-19 under control as soon as possible. CHEN Ningshan believed that China contributed its own solutions to fight COVID. She said US and other countries should stick to scientific measures together to contain and ultimately defeat the epidemic.


ZHAO Dahai presided over the opening ceremony, certificate presentation and keynote speech. Lisa XU, ZHENG Junhua, HU Jin, and ZHANG Xiaoyi unveiled the Section on Physician-Patient Relationship and the Section on Public Health Emergency, and then appointed ZHENG Huajun, TANG Hongmei and LU Hongzhou as the Fellows of the Joint Center. HU Jin, ZHANG Xiaoyi and LI Zhenquan issued the certifications to YU Guangjun and other three experts to manage the research projects for the Joint Center.

在主旨演讲环节,Sten Vermund的演讲题目是“新冠疫苗接种的政策:挑战与策略”;Paul Cleary的演讲题目是“新冠疫情对医疗服务提供的影响”;董晨的演讲题目是“新冠病毒的免疫”。随后,在由赵宏宇主持的圆桌会议阶段, Sten Vermund、曹俊山、郑军华、于广军、郑宁、Jeffrey Bernstein、陈希等聚焦“新冠疫情对医疗服务提供的影响”进行了研讨;陈宁姗、Paul Cleary、唐红梅、任雪雷、Brian Hall、张智若等围绕“新冠疫情对未来公共卫生体系的影响”进行了深入交流。

At the keynote speech , Sten Vermund spoke on "Policies for COVID-19 Vaccination: Challenges and Strategies", Paul Cleary on "The Impact of COVID-19 on Medical Services Delivery", and DONG Chen on "Immunity to COVID-19". In panel discussion chaired by ZHAO Hongyu, Sten Vermund, CAO Junshan, ZHENG Junhua, YU Guangjun, ZHENG Ning, Jeffrey Bernstein, CHEN Xi expressed their insights on "The impacts of COVID-19 on healthcare delivery system". CHEN Ningshan, Paul Cleary, TANG Hongmei, REN Xuelei, Brian Hall, and ZHANG Zhiruo made in-depth communication on "The impacts of COVID-19 on the future public health system" .


At last, ZHANG Xiaoyi concluded the forum. She said that despite the spread of COVID-19 around the world, mankind responded to the pandemic through new technologies such as Internet medicine, immunotherapy and improving the capacity of public health systems. She expressed full confidence in the joint efforts to fight over COVID-19. The Fourth Yale-SJTU Bilateral Forum on Global Public Health Policy came to the end with active exchanges between experts and attendees. 

Copyright © 2020上海交大—耶鲁大学卫生政策联合研究中心/SJTU-Yale Joint Center for Health Policy