








Dahai Zhao' 4th comments on TV during the Pandemic: 20,000 Aid-giving Medical Staffs Should be Better Protected by Offering Full Medical Supplies in Hubei

Dahai Zhao, PhD supervisor of SJTU School of International and Public Affairs and the executive director of SJTU-Yale Joint Center for Health Policy, recently accepted interviews from the CGTN on containing COVID-19 in China for the fourth time. In "China 24" at 8 pm on February 14, Zhao commented on recent situation of containing COVID-19 in Hubei and the protection of medical staff in the country as follows.

Anchor: For some analysis, we're joined by a skype by Professor Zhao Dahai,Executive Director of Shanghai Jiao Tong University-Yale University Joint Center for Health Policy. Welcome to our program professor. Now, Thursday's new cases in Hubei is much lower than that from Wednesday. And people are breathing a sigh of relief, of course, but help us understand the situation here, Why?

ZHAO Dahai: The clinical diagnosis standard has been recognized as one of the standards of confirmed cases since this Wednesday. Therefore, a large number of suspected cases whose clinical diagnosis can be confirmed, while their nucleic acid testing were negative, had been accumulated to be cases on Wednesday. Therefore, a huge number of cases among the total cases on Wednesday are not new cases on this day. So the total number of cases on Wednesday are not very accurate. Furthermore, the number of daily cases will be more accurate since this Thursday. In addition, the total number of new cases on Thursday is three times of new cases on Tuesday; In terms of new cases only through nucleic acid testing from Tuesday to Thursday, the number on Thursday is the highest. Therefore, the challenge of combating coronavirus in Hubei are also very tough. 

Anchor: Yeah, let's also talk about the medics at the front lines. 1700 of them have been affected. Could there have been better prevention? And will this affect epidemic control? Now that these doctors and nurses have become patients themselves?

ZHAO Dahai: Those are really good two questions. For the first question, my answer is yes, all medical staff should have been better protected. However, during the virus outbreak, medial supplies are very insufficient. Many medical staff when they work in the hospital are not fully protected by protective clothing, glasses, even face mask, due to the serious shortage of medial supplies. In addition, medical staff’s work burden in all over the county, especially in Hubei, is really very heavy. Huge psychological pressure and heavy work burden make them be on the high risk of infection. Therefore, all medial staff should be better protected by offering full medical supplies, and make them have time to rest. 

For the second question, I think it will not. Among the 17 hundred infected medical staff, about 90% of them are from Hubei, about 65% of them are from Wuhan. The central government of China has realized this issue, about 20 thousand medial staff from all over the country have been in Hubei and Wuhan and helped the medical staff there. With the improvement of medical supplies, I believe the breve medical staff all over the country will win the battle against coronavirus.

Contributor: SJTU School of International and Public Affairs

Data: February 15, 2020

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