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In the "Night News" program at 9:30 pm on February 24, 2020, Zhao made live comments on the prevention and control of COVID-19 in various countries, the "window of opportunity" proposed by the WHO are shrinking, and how to extend the "window of opportunity" and outbreak in various countries. The relevant commentary content is excerpted as follows.

Anchor: What do you think of the treatment of COVID-19 in various countries?

Zhao: The treatment of COVID-19 varies from country to country. Italy and South Korea have introduced strict prevention and control measures. For example, South Korea raised COVID-19 epidemic alert to the highest level on February 23. Italy announced that 12 northern towns would be closed and isolated on February 22. No one can enter or leave the area without special permission. For other countries, Japan has mobilized throughout the country, claiming that the national epidemic has entered a transition period, but specific prevention and control measures have not yet been officially announced. Countries with a high number of confirmed cases, such as Singapore and Thailand, have not introduced strict prevention and control measures yet.

Anchor: WHO said the "window of opportunity" for prevention and control is shrinking. What do you think?

Zhao: WHO said there was still a global window of opportunity to contain the virus, but the window of opportunity is shrinking. The main reason is that COVID-19 has begun to spread among people who did not directly relate to China or Wuhan. Therefore, we need to seize this window of opportunity, that is, to stop the spread as soon as possible before it reaches countries with weak health and public health systems, such as Africa.

Anchor: What do you think are the ways to extend the window of opportunity?

Zhao: For Japan, South Korea, Italy and other countries with severe epidemic, the most stringent measures should be taken to prevent and control COVID-19. Specifically, it is necessary to "both prevent import and prevent proliferation". Take the city as the unit, strengthen the examination of the temperature and and two weeks of isolation to all outsiders. Isolate close contacts of confirmed patients. For most other countries, it can be mainly through strict prevention of imports, according to the country as a unit, all outsiders should be subject to temperature check and other quarantine.

Anchor: What do you think will happen next?

Zhao: If all countries in the world attach great importance to the COVID-19, grasp the window of opportunity, and adopt the strategy of strict import prevention and two-week isolation for outsiders, the epidemic situation in the world can be quickly controlled. But the precondition is that all countries should attach great importance to the outbreak of COVID-19 and take strict strategies of both input and proliferation prevention.

Contributor: SJTU School of International and Public Affairs

Data: February 25, 2020

Copyright © 2020上海交大—耶鲁大学卫生政策联合研究中心/SJTU-Yale Joint Center for Health Policy